Exchange. Participate. Inform.

Ideal for all groups within the parish. Because wherever groups come together to make a difference, whether in the pastoral team, in the youth group or in the parish council, well-functioning communication and smart organisation are required. 
This works well and efficiently with a digital solution like mantau.

Exchange. Participate. Inform.

Ideal for all groups within the parish. Because wherever groups come together to make a difference, whether in the pastoral team, in the youth group or in the parish council, well-functioning communication and smart organisation are required. 
This works well and efficiently with a digital solution like mantau.

Digital. Simple. Organised.
In parish & committees.

Organise your everyday life in the parish office and the cooperation within all groups. Complete 
organisational tasks simply, quickly and efficiently! 

Digital. Simple. Organised.
In parish & committees.

Organise your everyday life in the parish office and the cooperation within all groups. Complete 
organisational tasks simply, quickly and efficiently! 

Participation of community members

Participation of community members

Your parish can better inform and involve members in activities and meetings.

Save time in everyday working life

Save time in everyday working life

Full-time employees of the parish gain Time and are
disburdened. They can devote themselves to important tasks.

Promote volunteering

Promote volunteering

Modern tools like mantau bring people together, ensure cohesion and enjoyment of commitment.

Simple digitisation, 
without any IT specialists

You can implement mantau yourself without IT specialists. Existing templates will help you to customise mantau for your parish. 

In addition, our mantau team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and will also be happy to actively support you in the administration. After a very short time, you, your pastoral team, parish council, parents and parishioners (if desired) will be able to start using mantau.

All mantau functions at a glance

Simple digitisation, 
without any IT specialists

You can implement mantau yourself without IT specialists. Existing templates will help you to customise mantau for your parish. 

In addition, our mantau team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and will also be happy to actively support you in the administration. After a very short time, you, your pastoral team, parish council, parents and parishioners (if desired) will be able to start using mantau.

All mantau functions at a glance

Organising First Communion and Confirmation

Instead of time-consuming paperwork and mostly impractical e-mail communication, mantau serves as a shared digital work and communication platform, e.g. for:

  • Registration for communion and confirmation
  • Submission of documents
  • Coordination of appointments via appointment planner
  • Organisation of all joint projects
  • Provide teaching material digitally
  • Complete parent communication


  • Modern appearance of the parish
  • Easy participation of users
  • Fast and unbureaucratic for everyone

Faith communication - contemporary digital

Use mantau to reach all your parishioners via a special news channel! This modernised type of newsletter attracts a whole new level of attention. Ideal for informing, inviting and activating.

  • Invitations to events, meetings
  • Information on activities and offers
  • Dispatch of digital parish newsletters
  • Current church service dates
  • Photos and reports of past events


  • Anonymous participation
  • Easy access for everyone
  • Contemporary mobile communication
  • Reliable & fast, thanks to push notifications

Committee work in the parish council & committees

There is a great need for information and coordination among the volunteers on the parish council and in committees. With mantau, the time voluntarily invested can simply be utilised more efficiently:

  • Invitations with integrated acceptance/cancellation option and entry in the joint appointment planner
  • Provision of minutes for everyone - as a digital form or document
  • Advance collection of topic requests


  • A workspace for all contributors
  • Information, files, dates organised & clear
  • Accessible for all participants quickly and everywhere

Efficient organisation of events

With its tools, mantau can serve as a small but efficient project tool. Especially for the organisation of events, meetings and campaigns:

  • Holiday camps with registration form
  • Distribution of tasks in organisational teams
  • Coordination of helpers
  • Checklists, e.g. shopping lists, lists of helpers etc.


  • Better recruit, involve and organise helpers
  • Spread tasks over many shoulders
  • Ideal documentation for future events

Also ideal for the modern, digital daycare centre

With mantau, you can organise the day-to-day running of your daycare centre and internal collaboration, replace notices and paperwork and complete organisational tasks easily, quickly and efficiently. Thanks to group chats and information channels with and for employees, parents, providers and sponsors, everyone is always in the picture.


  • Abolition of paperwork
  • Simplify organisation
  • Save time and relieve staff
  • Document regulations

Internal cooperation, e.g. in the pastoral team

Organise your internal communication and collaboration in different teams, e.g. the pastoral team or the altar servers. Groups can also join together for collaboration, e.g. initiative groups that want to promote individual topics and ideas.


  • Create groups flexibly, including temporary project groups
  • Structured, clearly organised
  • Reliable & fast, thanks to push notifications

"I am well aware of the challenges facing (Catholic) parishes today.

With mantau, we provide you with a digital tool to meet these challenges in terms of communication and organisation in a contemporary way.

My team and I will be happy to support you."

Stefan Schwaderlapp, 
Founder of EXEC IT Solutions GmbH
and creative director of mantau

"I am well aware of the challenges facing (Catholic) parishes today.

With mantau, we provide you with a digital tool to meet these challenges in terms of communication and organisation in a contemporary way.

My team and I will be happy to support you."

Stefan Schwaderlapp, 
Founder of EXEC IT Solutions GmbH
and creative director of mantau

More time for what really matters

More time for what really matters

Use free

Here we go! Organise your groups easily with mantau!

Joining other people's groups is always free of charge. All you need to do is register in the app or web version. You can also use mantau free of charge with your own small groups of up to 10 members, e.g. your team or family and friends. 

Also ideal for testing!

Because all functions are available in the free mantau 10. And if you later purchase a license for your organization or company, you can "integrate" your existing groups.

Use free Order license Get advice

Mareike Grund

Your contact for all questions

Mareike Grund

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