mantau, the collaboration tool for everyone.
Download and use mantau app(s) free of charge. Participate in groups or "manage" groups yourself
It doesn't matter whether it's in an association, a larger organisation or a private group. There are always initiators - and
as well as participating actors. This is also the case in mantau groups.
Participation in other people's groups is always free of charge. You can also use mantau free of charge for small groups, e.g. on the board of a club, in a team - or privately with family and friends. Including all features and with 5 GB online storage!
mantau, the collaboration tool for everyone.
Download and use mantau app(s) free of charge. Participate in groups or "manage" groups yourself
It doesn't matter whether it's in an association, a larger organisation or a private group. There are always initiators - and
as well as participating actors. This is also the case in mantau groups.
Participation in other people's groups is always free of charge. You can also use mantau free of charge for small groups, e.g. on the board of a club, in a team - or privately with family and friends. Including all features and with 5 GB online storage!
What is your intention?
The choice is yours. mantau!
What is your intention?
The choice is yours. mantau!
Get mantau free of charge!
You were invited by someone and want to join this group?
Or simply use the team app free of charge for your own small group with up to 10 members? Or simply test it first?
Order mantau for larger groups!
Starts with 10 €/month!
You want to order and license mantau for your organization and for more than 10 members?
Use on every device you have - at the same time!
Available wherever the features are needed at the moment.
All groups and content are available everywhere and synchronously on all devices where you have mantau installed. Ideal for quick messaging on the way - as well as longer texting when using a computer. Ideal for hybrid work environments.
Apps and web version in English and German.
Use on every device you have - at the same time!
Available wherever the features are needed at the moment.
All groups and content are available everywhere and synchronously on all devices where you have mantau installed. Ideal for hybrid work environments.
Apps and web version in English and German.